Below are the dates, time commitments, and other information about the various volunteer opportunities associated with the Herb & Craft Fair. You don't have to be a plant or crafts expert to help, so do join us!
Note: if a check box says "Full" that means we've got the volunteers we need for that job and time.
February, March, and April, 2025
The Communications Team works with Brandi Emrys to create and upload appropriate blog posts, social media posts, and various community online calendar posts to advertise the Herb & Craft Fair.
Work can be done from home, with few meetings necessary.
Table Staff - encourage folks to come to the fair, volunteer, etc.:
Time and number of people needed:
9:30 - 10 am; 11 - 11:30 am (2)
Placing Signage at front of Church and elsewhere as necessary.
Time and number of people needed:
9 - 10 am (2)
Move tents and shelves from basement of Norris House storage and set in place outside.
Some folks with trucks would be appreciated.
Set up tables in social hall.
4 - 6 pm
Spots available: 10
Outdoor Set-up tasks include:
Helping unload plants
Counting plants to verify order
Arranging plants on shelves & tables
8 - 10 am
Number of spots: 4
Indoor Set-up tasks include:
Item drop-off
Signage placement
1 - 4 pm
Number of spots: 4
Saturday, April 26 - Sale Day
Sales Teams and spots per shift
shifts: 9:00 - 12:30 and 12 - 3 pm.
Plants: 3
Baked Goods: 2
Preserved Foods: 2
Pressed Flowers: 2
Fiber Arts: 2
For the Birds: 2
Check Out Teams will work to quickly and accurately tally orders and process payments. Checkout teams will be trained on Friday, April 19 or prior to the sale on Saturday.
total needed per shift: 6
Customer Assistance/Floaters will assist customers with getting purchases to a car as necessary.
total needed per shift: 2
shifts: 9:00-12:30 and 12 - 3
Saturday, April 26 - Break Down and Clean Up
Break down tents and shelves and return to Norris House basement.
Reset Social Hall and Bartok for Sunday morning services.
Gather unsold plants together for Sunday morning sales.
Trucks appreciated.
3 - 5 pm
Number of spots: 10
Sunday, April 27 - Sunday Service Sales
Offer leftover items to the Congregation and make credit/cash sales during social hour.
11 - 12 pm
spots: 3