Get the Word Out

Please fill out this form to submit an announcement.
Committee Chairs, Board Members, and Staff or their designated team members may fill out the following form to submit an announcement, an event, or news to the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashville. You will receive an automatic reply, but please be sure to follow up if you haven't heard back within a few days. If you have not seen your submission advertised, please email

***Please note that items must be submitted no later than noon on Wednesdays to be included in the weekly e-blast and/or Sunday pulpit announcements.***
Announcement Details

Start by answering the following questions for the announcement you need to craft. Answer them brainstorm style! Make this a quick process. When you are ready, write your announcement weaving in key elements from responses.
Now put it together! With inspiring your ideal participant in mind, use the most compelling elements from your responses to construct your announcement. Here's what this might look like:




"Are you looking for" question? Share key details in as few lines as possible. The shorter it is, the easier to scan. Why this matters, outcome, motivation. End with encouraging statement describing what it will be like. 

If your event is happening at FUUN, be sure to complete a Campus Use Request form to reserve space, tables, chairs, AV equipment, easels, etc.!
Please select one option.
Distribution Requests

Please select all that apply.
Please note that pulpit announcements should be reserved for events or initiatives that affect at least 80% of FUUN attendees and are at the discretion of the Lead Minister. Pulpit announcement requests are not guaranteed to be read as announcements must be approved for inclusion in worship service before being read. They are submitted here for review only. This is because we have numerous outlets, listed in the above question, which are all methods of distributing announcements, especially for events or initatives with an expected lower amount of attendees.
Please select all that apply.


Please fill out this form to submit an announcement.