First UU Church of Nashville Memorial Service Form

Please complete this form and our Congregational Administrator will be in touch with you shortly.
Contact Information

Please select all that apply.
Event Information

Building Use Fees are as follows. There is no charge for Memorials or Weddings for active church members (receptions are at the 50% member rate). One of the wedding couple must be a member of the church for this discount.

External- nonmember
Internal- member

Please select all that apply.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Date(s), Space, & Setup

The reservation will be made for the moment you enter the building for setup to the moment you exit the building after clean up. It is important that these times, along with the event times, are completed below. 
Please select all that apply.
Please select one option.
Please note that we charge an additional fee of $250 for staffing of large events that take place outside of normal office hours, which are (M-F 9 a.m.-4p.m.) We require a FUUN representative to be present to assist with entry, to answer general questions, and serve as the point person in case of emergency.
Policy Review & Signature

Please take a moment to review the building policies through the link. Your typed signature will be required below to signify agreement that you have read the policies and agree to the terms listed.

FUUN Building Use Policy

I hereby acknowledge that I have received a copy of the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashville’s Use of Church Facilities Policies and have read and understand its content. I agree to fully abide by and follow the policies set forth herein. I understand that it is my responsibility to notify all parties (guests, group participants, vendors) that are on the church premises by virtue of my event/meeting, the policies here within. I also understand that failure of myself or any of my guests, group participants or vendors to comply with the policies may result in cancellation of the agreement and ending the event early with no refunds issued. I also understand that charges will be assessed and should there be damages, a bill will be sent to me.

• I acknowledge that I have received a copy of and agree to abide by the Church Facilities Policies.

• I understand that I will be given access to the building of use and that it is my responsibility to safe keep the building and the means of entrance.

• I understand that a code may be issued to me and that I am solely responsible for its safe keeping and will not share the code with others in any way.

• After each building use, I will ensure that all lights are turned out, all doors are locked and building secured, the space is cleaned (including taking out all trash) and that the rules of use have been followed.

• I understand that I am solely responsible for ensuring that our group adheres to all rules and current policies regarding COVID. If any regulations regarding COVID are not followed, all agreements will be terminated immediately and use of FUUN’s facilities will be prohibited.
Building Use Waiver & Release

I/We enter into this Building Use Waiver Release (Agreement) with First Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashville for the privilege to use the facility located on or near 1808 Woodmont Blvd. Nashville, TN 37215

1. Waiver and release of all claims (including negligence) In consideration for use of the facility, I/We waive and release First Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashville, its agents, servants, employees, insurers, successors and assigns from all claims, demands, causes of action, damages or suits at law and equity of whatsoever kind, including but not limited to claims for personal injury, property damage, medical expenses, loss of services, on account of or in any way related to or growing out of my presence at the facility or use of the facility and/or equipment. This waiver and release is intended to and does release First Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashville of Nashville from any and all liability for damages or injuries on account of or in any way related to or growing out of my negligence, the negligence of third parties and First Unitarian

Universalist Church of Nashville of Nashville’s negligence, including but not limited to negligence in the construction, maintenance and upkeep of the facility and its equipment, negligence in training or negligence in supervision. This is not intended to release First Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashville of Nashville from any liability resulting from their intentional conduct.

I/We further covenant and agree not to institute any claims or legal action against First Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashville for any claim released by this Agreement. I/We further agree that should any claim be made against First Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashville in contravention of this Agreement, including but not limited to derivative claims, I/We will protect, defend and completely indemnity (reimburse) First Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashville for any such claim and expenses including attorney’s fees and costs incurred by First Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashville in defending themselves or security indemnity hereunder. I/We recognize the facility is not supervised, and I/We use the facility (including premises and equipment) entirely at my own risk.   

2. I/We understand that the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashville is not responsible for any lost or stolen valuables or property from within the facility.

3. While at the facility, I/We agree to conduct myself/ourselves in a responsible manner and will refrain from engaging in inappropriate conduct, including the use of loud, foul, slanderous language or any intimidating or offensive conduct that would interfere with the peaceful use and enjoyment of the facility by other users.

4. I/We acknowledge that I/We have received and reviewed all items in the Application to Renew and agree, on behalf of the family/group I/We represent, and that we will adhere to all rules stated. I/We have also been provided with, read and understood the ‘Church Use Policies’ for use of Church Facilities at First Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashville of Nashville and agree on behalf of the family/group I/We represent, that we will adhere to all rules stated within that document and with any amendments. I/We have consented to be bound by the terms, including the waiver/release of any legal right I/We may have to sue First Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashville for any costs they incur because a claim or legal action is brought in violation of this Agreement. I/We agree any violation of the Agreement and its terms and conditions, as determined by First Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashville, will void and terminate this Agreement and may result in loss of the ability to use the facility.


Please complete this form and our Congregational Administrator will be in touch with you shortly.