Nominating Survey 2025

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Greetings from the FUUN Nominating Committee


This is the time of year when we begin the process of approaching and selecting candidates to fill Board and elected positions such as: Nominating Committee, Safe Congregation, Finance and the Trust.

We are seeking your input as to potential candidates. These are important roles in the church because they provide the working support for FUUN. Please think about someone you think would be a qualified candidate for the above positions, they must be a member of FUUN and need to have been a member over a period of time-their knowledge of FUUN and its members is vital. Please feel free to nominate yourself if the feeling comes over you.


The Nominating Committee would also like to solicit your thoughts for a Vice-Presidential candidate-knowing that they will be President the following year. Please use the following questions to guide your response.


Who demonstrates the qualities needed for someone to become the Vice President?

Who can represent the whole congregation as we grow into a new minister?

Who has been active in the congregation and shown participation and leadership?

Who could acknowledge FUUN’s strengths, weaknesses and potential for growth?

Thank you for your time and valuable input!


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