Membership Interest Form

Thank you for your interest in joining First Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashville!

We are looking forward to getting to know you better. Please complete this interest form and we will be in touch with next steps. Should you have any questions, please reach out to our Membership Manager, Brandi Emrys, at .

Since 1950, the First Unitarian Universalist has been home to progressive religion in Nashville. We gather in safe and compassionate community, seeking our spiritual truths. We affirm our interdependence, celebrate our differences, and create a thoughtful and harmonious voice for liberal religion.

We are a community of adults and children with diverse spiritual orientations, who come from many different backgrounds. We seek to share a journey of spiritual growth and work together to find ways to live our faith in the world, while respecting the right to freedom of individual beliefs. Our principles and statements of covenant and mission speak our most cherished values, both as part of a larger faith and as an individual congregation. 

We are pleased that you are interested in becoming a part of our congregational family!

For information about Stewardship, please visit our Stewardship page.

Path to Membership

Your next steps:

  • Attend a Connections Session on the fourth Sunday of each month at 11:30 a.m. to learn the basics of Unitarian Universalism & the history of FUUN.

  • Attend the New Member Orientation which is offered on Sundays twice a year. The sessions are a hybrid model- some content will be covered in-person while the remaining content will be available online to be reviewed between sessions at your own pace. Check out the Path to Membership Page to learn when the next sessions are scheduled.

  • If you decide to become a member, attend Member Sunday with a Signing Ceremony. You can also view the Path to Membership page above to see when this event is scheduled.

  • Get to know our congregation by attending our Wednesday night dinners, Faith Development classes, Social Action opportunities, etc. Check out our Events Page for a full list of upcoming opportunities to plug in. All of our events are open and folks are not required to be members to attend.

  • If you’d like to meet privately with the Rev. Diane Dowgiert, please call the office at 615-383-5760 to schedule an appointment.

Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
1st Adult

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Please select all that apply.
2nd Adult

Please select one option.
Please select one option.

We would like to get to know young family members, too!

Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Individual/Family Needs


Please select one option.
Key Facts Regarding Membership

Please select all that apply.
Virtual Signature



Thank you for your interest in joining First Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashville!

We are looking forward to getting to know you better. Please complete this interest form and we will be in touch with next steps. Should you have any questions, please reach out to our Membership Manager, Brandi Emrys, at .